Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Updated Info (correct me if I get anything wrong or leave anything out!)

Sue's Crew's ReUnion at a glance:

-Tentative Date is July 18th. (the weekend AFTER Marybeth's wedding celebration!)

-Cheri's Family will arrive in an icy-too-cool-for-school blue

-Stacey's Family will rendezvous at base camp, in camo (we'll have to look hard for them, they'll be hard to see)

-Darrell's family will come down in a blaze of glory decked out in fiery red.

-Judy's family will dance to their own Irish jig in ye old Kelly green!

-Granny Soup is the coolest granny EVER. And she'll be wearing lavender.

-PLACE: The yellville place where Glenn and Cheri were married and where we've had SO many reunions in the past (like when I was VERY young...a couple of years ago)

-People can make a little vacation out of this, or just show up for the day. They do have cabins right???

-We still need to decide on are we going to do a HUGE potluck kinda thing, bring whatever you want? or are we going to do a more organized thing?

-We need to discuss cost, if any.

-I (skipper) will be looking to see if we can find some reasonable pricing on shirts...but everyone is welcome to do their own thing.

And just so everyone knows I'm paying for my raising with my daughter and prayers are appreciated.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sue's Crew Reunion 2009 - Fasten Your Seatbelts!!!!!

Planning has begun!

This blog, hopefully, will be useful in a few ways:

1. We can share ideas.
2. We can make appropriate plans.
3. We can all know what part we play.
4. We can all be on the same page.
5. We can adjust as necessary.
6. And any other communication needs that come up.

So leave a comment after this post so I can know who is able to use this.