Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Updated Info (correct me if I get anything wrong or leave anything out!)

Sue's Crew's ReUnion at a glance:

-Tentative Date is July 18th. (the weekend AFTER Marybeth's wedding celebration!)

-Cheri's Family will arrive in an icy-too-cool-for-school blue

-Stacey's Family will rendezvous at base camp, in camo (we'll have to look hard for them, they'll be hard to see)

-Darrell's family will come down in a blaze of glory decked out in fiery red.

-Judy's family will dance to their own Irish jig in ye old Kelly green!

-Granny Soup is the coolest granny EVER. And she'll be wearing lavender.

-PLACE: The yellville place where Glenn and Cheri were married and where we've had SO many reunions in the past (like when I was VERY young...a couple of years ago)

-People can make a little vacation out of this, or just show up for the day. They do have cabins right???

-We still need to decide on are we going to do a HUGE potluck kinda thing, bring whatever you want? or are we going to do a more organized thing?

-We need to discuss cost, if any.

-I (skipper) will be looking to see if we can find some reasonable pricing on shirts...but everyone is welcome to do their own thing.

And just so everyone knows I'm paying for my raising with my daughter and prayers are appreciated.


Cheri/Mom/Punkie said...

Yes, Skipper I would really appreciate it if you would check into the t-shirts for us...but first we want to decide if we would like to have a logo/design and what it might look we just want it to say Sue's Crew?
I don't know...creativity is not with me at the moment...imagine that!

I think Granny Sue's t-shirt is lavender...and Judy's crew will be in kelly green.

Tell us what you think...

I am going to get a cabin for Friday night and Saturday night...

I am going to make a mini-vacation out of it.

I think it would be the most practical thing to do a potluck meal...

I want to hear Drew sing...I want to hear all of us sing...and anybody that can play a musical instrument should bring it for "old-times sake"...

I want to see photo albums and cameras at this reunion...I want someone to bring a set of horseshoes...and a volleyball of course...and lawn chairs so I can sit back and watch the games...LOL

Skipper said...

OH, that sounds AWESOME!

Skipper said...

Oh and is the place reserved yet??? We need to get ON that. And are we for sure about that??? Everyone on board so far???

Cheri said...

the reservation for the pavillion has been is pavillion #1

I have also made reservations for a cabin that sleeps 6.

In the telephone book and online the person to contact for the cabins is Carol...She is at Buffalo Point Concessions.

Love ya

Judy said...


Skipper said...

And all desserts would be bad?

cheri said...

Good Morning Everyone!
The pavillion is reserved! We have also reserved cabin #2 (rustic).
The cabins rent for $86 a night. We will be staying both Friday and Saturday night.

We have chosen to cover the cost of renting the pavillion for the first year...however, we will take up a collection of $1.00 per person to cover the cost of renting the pavillion for the "second" annual Sue's Crew Reunion. We could even have a little "mock election" and nominate/vote for individuals to be treasurer...historian...secretary, etc.

I suggest we each bring a meal. Meat, vegetable, dessert, bread, drink. Then we know we have it all...

Gotta go you all,

Skipper said...

Well, Kent was thinking that if anyone wanted to grill some dogs or burgers, we could bring some charcoal and use those grill thingies they have there. (they do have those don't they?) And if anyone something grilled just bring your own meat. Would that work too?

Cheri said...

I think that would work just fine Skipper.

Hey, Judy said that we could all do something like this...

Decorate our own family know...the blues do something, the greens, the reds, the camos, and the lavender...we all do our own thing...then we can have a contest and have I guess a "park ranger" or some other innocent bystander choose the could be fun!

I was wondering if someone would like to purchase a "scrapbook/photo album" to store our memories...then when we nominate our officers...the historian could be in charge of it?

We also need an address book...any takers out there?

Looking forward to July,

Skipper said...

Though I love a good scrapbook, I think the ball would get dropped very easily on something like that I wonder if we could have a couple of people who have video recorders go around and make sure everyone gets on film and make a DVD that everyone could have a copy of. We could set it to music, do some interviews, that kind of thing? I think that would be easier...drew could edit it.

Skipper said...

I don't want to decorate 8 shirts...just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Hey I am glad that I could finally join ya'll. I am all about KISS (Keep It Simple Suzanne) I am kind of liking the idea of just visiting, eating, and playing..... I feel like the more ideas we get going and the more"tasks" we have people doing the less will show up! I love all the ideas however maybe just one or two for the first year.....I am excited and can't wait to seall those that show up.

Suzy-Q said...

did not mean to make myself anonymous:)

Cheri said...

Hey...I love it that Suzanne signed in as Suzy-Q...that is what Granny has called her all of her life! I just love it!
You are right Suzanne, about too many things being "tasked"...but I so want this to be something more than just old photos/movies...we have those from Beaver reunions of the past...I couldn't tell you who half of the people are in the films and photos.
I guess I am just looking down the road...the ancient films/photos that I speak of were from about 40 years ago. And, I want some written/recorded history to pass on to the younger generations...I hate the idea of my "great,great" whatevers looking at an old photo of me and saying "Who the heck is that?"
Okay, here it goes...a committment...yikes! I will be the historian until I die...or can no longer remember my about that?

Everybody okay with that?

Skipper...any info about T-shirts?
I say we (each family) are responsible for our own T' other words...I will see to Glen's, Beau's, and mine...of course I will have to stay on top of Reggie and Andy to make sure they don't show up in green,red,or camo...tee hee...they certainly are not cowboys...nor can I envision them doing an Irish jig...and God knows I want to be able to find them! :)
Love you all,

Skipper said...

I think each family should do their own thing with their color...Mom, I can probably come up with something for ALL of us though, if you're interested.

Cheri said...

Yes, Skipper...if you want to do something about the t-shirts for all of the blue But do you realize how many that would be?
Your 3...Reggie's 6...Andy's 2...Brett's 4...did I forget anyone? If my cipherin' is correct that comes to 23!

Hey, if there is some place out there that will give us a deal...go for it! Let me know what I can do to help...I am free after the 22 of May! YEAH! SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER!!!!!

Love you,

cheri said...

Well, I have looked this blog spot over pretty good, and I did not find anything about the 2nd annual Sue's Crew family reunion.
But here is what I have heard will be happening...
First of all it will be on July 17, 2010 because we stated last year that it would be the 3rd Saturday in July, every year.
Joey plans be here for the big event! YEAH!
I have every reason to believe that the location will be at Cloyd and Judy Passmore's place.
They have a nice pool and plenty of space for us...
We will eat outside...bring chairs.
I am inviting two mystery guests and they are family...hmmmm????
It should be a lot of fun...
Granny Sue has something special planned....and I hope to hear and see some of our talented offspring entertain us with some of their talents.
I will be checking back to see if you have been checking this blog site...let us know if you have been here...what you think about it all, and of course your plans and ideas.
love you all, Cheri

cheri said...

Oh yes, we will be wearing the same color of T-shirts this new fancy outfits :)
don't forget your swimsuit!